Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Something Interesting Happened

Why did I have to tempt fate and say that my life is boring?

So Graham went to play church basketball last night at 9:30. My bedtime is around that time (I wake up at 5:45 every day UGH), so I was almost asleep when he left.

I woke up a couple hours later to Graham saying, "Sherri, Sherri.. Wake up! I think I'm going into anaphylactic shock!!"

For those of you that don't know what that means, it means his allergic reaction is causing hives (even in his mouth) and his airway to constrict... meaning he could die if his airways don't relax. Last time this happened to him (before we got married), he went to the emergency room looking like Will Smith in the movie, Hitch, where his face is all swollen and disgusting. The doctors told him he only had about 30 minutes to live at that stage.

So I was FREAKING out! We found some of our emergency allergy stash... some Benadryl, prednisone, and Zyrtec. Luckily, the hives and swelling went down, he could breathe easier, and he got a blessing from one of our friends.

Anyways, that livened up my life a bit... but not in a good way. I was crying practically because I couldn't imagine my life without Graham in it. Scary.

So, I promise I will not say my life is boring again.

Oh, and what caused the allergic reaction, you might ask.

A used basketball jersey.


Andrea said...

Not to laugh at your hubbys near death experience but, I did laugh at the jersey thing.

Kristine said...

Sherri, time to ask his doc for an epi-pen. That's way too scary!

Jules AF said...

What was on the jersey????

Shewi128 said...

We have an epi pen.. It's just expired.

As for what was on the jersey.. we do not know. Maybe mold, dust, or cat hair? We think the person storing them had had them in their basement in a moldy area where cats breed and pee.

Shannon said...

Scary stuff! I can't believe it was from an old jersey. Yuck!

My sister's hubby has a peanut allergy and was just in the ER with anaphylactic shock a couple months ago from eating buffalo wings with peanut oil in the sauce.

Hope life remains exciting enough for you!

Tyler said...

that's disgusting, it's too bad that things like that happen to Graham all of the time, because it becomes funny. I remember the Hazelnut incident. I like how Graham's first reaction is, "better drive myself home instead of to a hospital."

Jacob said...

I guess Sherri is as good as the ER huh...

Sue said...

I'm sorry, but if I knew a jersey had been stored in a place where cats lived and PEED, I pretty much wouldn't put it on!!!EWWWWWWWW!!!!

Darren, Tisha, Tanner & Tennyson said...

I am so glad he is ok. I completely agree--i said that my life was going so smooth and then starting that next week--darren got laid off, the governor addressed the budget for schools-bad-and our baby was born premature...hmmmm....never saying that again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tara said...

That is so scary. I would never want to wake up to something like that, how horrifying! Glad he's ok. And your last sentence made me say "sick" out loud.

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