Ok, so I have a bunch of random things to talk about, so I'm about to give you all a glimpse of what's been going on in my head.
--I love diet soda. I used to occasionally drink regular Dr. Pepper or Pepsi, but the occasional drink soon turned into a bi- or tri-weekly event. So, I've been trying to see how long I can go without regular soda. I went without one for a week and a half, and I caved yesterday and had some Pibb Extra. It was way too sugary for me, so I'm even more appreciative of my 24-pack of Diet Pepsi at home.
--Speaking of being appreciative.. how many of you have ever had to live without something you consider to be essential.. like a dishwasher, garbage disposal or a washer/dryer? Anyways, I've had all of those things my whole life, so I've always taken them for granted.. But after living in crazytown apartment complex for 8 months without all of those things and moving to our condo WITH all of those things, I am totally grateful (and "seriously so blessed!!") to have those things. I wanted to cry when I turned on the garbage disposal.
--Speaking of being
seriously so blessed, I am obsessed with that blog. It makes fun of newlywed Mormon blogs, and I love it. I wish the anonymous author would post more than once a day. I've been bored this week.. so I've randomly surfed blogs, and most of the Mormon blogs I read are just like it, only real. It makes me laugh.
--Speaking of Mormons.. I have this Mormon hymn CD in which all of the hymns are instrumental that I listen to sometimes... and I love it. I know it's totally unlike me, but it soothes my soul and has helped me through stressful times.
--Speaking of stressful times... We are low low low on money. We have not been paid in over 3 weeks, just got back from vacation, had to pay our 1st month's rent + a large security deposit, and are living by our very last dollar. I expected to get my sign-on bonus on Wednesday, but it's not coming for another week or two. SUCK. So, we are trying to be extremely cheap... Examples: I'm making homemade tortillas tonight instead of buying a pack. I took a couple free apples from Employee Health at the hospital. We drove an hour home from Seattle yesterday instead of taking the ferry to save a couple of bucks. We only walked around Seattle--no purchases except our lunch. Usually such long and extended window shopping for me would result in some kind of impulse purchase, so I'm really proud. I actually had a lot of fun just window shopping with Graham.
--Speaking of being cheap, we are jacking our neighbor's wireless internet until someone notices.. or until we get a virus or something. We also just had our dish satellite installed today (no payments for a month!) and found out that we have had cable THE WHOLE TIME. We were GOING CRAZY from having nothing to do and being home all day and we had cable all along! Damnit! (Sorry--it deserves a swear word.)
--Speaking of swearing.. I despise Northwest drivers! I know that everyone will complain about drivers wherever they live, but it's different here. They apparently are so relaxed that they are content with driving 5 mph BELOW the speed limit!! I don't know about you, but the speed limit is just the bargaining point for speeding. 55 mph on a highway means >60 mph.
--Speaking of the Northwest, we are so spoiled here with the summer weather. It's been between 70-85 degrees here and absoutely beautiful. We don't even need the a/c or house fans! I better enjoy it while I can before the rains come. Boo.
--Speaking of beautiful.. I got complimented the other day that I have beautiful dimples. Isn't that weird? They are a muscle indentation in my cheek. Maybe she meant I have a beautiful smile? I don't know.. Dimples make me either look younger or like a Cabbage Patch Doll. I've also gotten lately that I look really young. A pedicurist thought I was 16-18 years old, and my landlord asked me how I old I was when I said I was married. Do I really look THAT young?
Anyways, I start my first real job on Monday! I'm excited/nervous/scared... and I hate to admit it, but I really don't want to work full-time, but hey.. what can you do?