Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Our Highly Anticipated Return

So, we've returned here to Portland, the land of rain and sweet stinky weed. We still don't have internet in our apartment, so I'm jacking the free wireless from the laundry room on my laptop. I can't live without the internet!!!! Graham doesn't seem to understand my addiction.

But anyways, yes.. we are married and have been for almost 2 busy weeks. We had a wonderful honeymoon in San Francisco (we got upgraded everywhere we went!) and celebrated Christmas with my family in Folsom. Seriously parents.. Newlyweds on the air mattress in the family room?! Funny. We drove home on Friday the 28th and have been cleaning, organizing, and buying stuff for the apartment since then. I'll post pictures soon. Our apartment isn't done yet, as evidenced by the big tupperware container we are using as the TV stand in the family room.

I'm currently testing out the laundry room's dryer and quickly discovering that it SUCKS to not have your own. Plus, the 25 cents per 12 minutes of dryer time tends to add up rather quickly, especially when I could probably dry these clothes faster by blowing on them.

I start school again tomorrow, and we have the Portland reception on Friday, so life is speeding up again. I'll blog again soon when I return to this laundry hell-hole and kick the crap out of the worthless dryer.

P.S. To re-gifters worldwide... You're an embarrassment to the human race. That is all.


Jules AF said...

Where'd you expect them to put you? Pay for you to be in a hotel? Probably....

Jules AF said...
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Shauna said...

lets see some pictures already!

New home blog coming soon

I have received a lot of questions via email about how the home is holding up for the past 2.5 years. I plan to do a detailed update on our ...