Tuesday, December 31, 2019

January Barre Challenge

I haven't blogged in a while, but yes, I am still alive. I have a final home building blog that I keep putting off posting. I'll post that within the next few weeks.

Anyways, a few weeks ago, I was thinking about what I should do to change up my workout routine. I have been doing my RIPPED workouts 4 days per week with 2 barre workouts per week. The workouts have kept me engaged and in shape. However, I was thinking of making a change to see if I could make a difference in my body.

So, in the middle of December I decided that I was going to do 1 full month of online barre workouts. I have tried Barre 3, Pure Barre, Bar Method, Physique 57, Suzanne Bowen, and Body Barre (they have videos on YouTube). I was carefully considering each option, thinking about price, style of workout, streaming options, etc. Physique 57 has one of the best online streaming options because it allows to make "mash-ups" of videos to customize your own workouts with shorter videos added on to each other. Suzanne is my favorite instructor for barre. Barre3 has a lot of support for challenges and mindfulness. Body Barre's YouTube videos are free.

Also, after I'd already decided to do my own barre challenge, my mom and husband surprised me with a wall ballet barre in my workout room. It was an awesome Christmas surprise!

Ultimately I decided to do Bar Method videos. I chose them based on 1 principle: they work and consult with Physical Therapists prior to adding certain exercises to routines. Some of the other barre workouts are faster and may have a little more cardio, but I appreciate the fact that Bar Method vets their exercises prior to implementing them in routines. I value safety and evidence-based practice more than just getting a "good workout". I did my first online Bar Method workout yesterday called "fire and ice" that focused on glutes and outer quads. My legs have not burned or shook that much in a long time. I have done Bar Method videos on and off for years, but this one KILLED me. It definitely convinced me that I made the right choice.

Because barre workouts don't burn as many calories as my normal RIPPED workouts, I plan to make sure to get at least 10,000 steps per day. I will also get back on my reduced calorie diet to get back on track with my weight loss. I have definitely taken a break over the past 2 months with my weight loss journey. I haven't stopped working out, but I have not been careful about nutrition at all. It just shows you that you can't exercise off an "unhealthy diet" (aka too many calories and too many desserts).

So, these are my guidelines for my own fitness challenge this month:
1) 6 barre workouts per week from Bar Method.
2) Get 10,000 steps per day.
3) Track calories in MyFitnessPal.
4) Take before and after pictures.
5) Do body measurements before and after.
6) Weigh myself weekly (NOT daily).

I will post about my progress halfway through and when I am done. I love barre workouts, and I look forward to seeing how my body changes!

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New home blog coming soon

I have received a lot of questions via email about how the home is holding up for the past 2.5 years. I plan to do a detailed update on our ...